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Read: 15 - Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity in Tech Companies
According to Scott E. Page, professor of complex systems, political science and economics at the University of Michigan: “Diverse groups of people bring to organizations more and different ways of seeing a problem and, thus, faster/better ways of solving it.”
- At Intel, CEO Brian Krzanich has said: “A fully diverse and inclusive workplace is fundamental to our ability to innovate and deliver business results.”

Diverse teams are smarter and more creative
- According to Scott E. Page, professor of complex systems, political science and economics at the University of Michigan: “Diverse groups of people bring to organizations more and different ways of seeing a problem and, thus, faster/better ways of solving it.”
- At Intel, CEO Brian Krzanich has said: “A fully diverse and inclusive workplace is fundamental to our ability to innovate and deliver business results.”

Why diversity in tech is important?
- Diverse teams are smarter and more creative
- Diverse companies perform better
- Companies are losing out on great talent (when they close themselves to one race/gender only)
- Diverse companies can better serve a diverse user base
- It’s the right thing to do