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Classes and Objects

- Objects : are an encapsulation of variables and functions into a single entity. Objects get their variables and functions from classes.
- Classes : are essentially a template “blue print” to create your objects.
Accessing Object Variables
- we can do it using the name of object then the variable
Accessing Object Functions
- we can do it using the name of object then the function
Thinking Recursively in Python

typical structure of a recursive algorithm:
If the current problem represents a simple case, solve it. If not, divide it into sub-problems and apply the same strategy to them
A recursive function: is a function defined in terms of itself via self-referential expressions.
- This means that the function will continue to call itself and repeat its behavior until some condition is met to return a result
When dealing with recursive functions, keep in mind that each recursive call has its own execution context
Pytest Fixtures and Coverage
In pytest, you define fixtures using a combination of the pytest.fixture decorator, along with a function definition. For example, say you have a file that returns a list of lines from a file, in which each line is reversed:
its a package that will create a report with every part of the python library to the used program