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Manar Imad Abdelkarim … Studied CIS at Princess Noura University with a medium work experience in web development and design. I believe that this course will help me to become a professional full-stack developer in an organized and steady way.

Here is my summary of How you can benefit from a growth mindset Article

Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset

A Growth Mindset can be reached by practicing and focusing on the way of thinking. people shuold Perseverance, gumption traps, and maintaining a growth mindset.Thinking as a grouth minset person will not make you grow only at work, but also outside work. A growth mindset opens up more creativity and possibility. The paragraph below will describe how growth mindset and fixed mindset function and the difference between them in many aspects , and finally some examples of growth mindset thinking.

Growth Mindset: A growth mindset believes that one’s fundamental abilities can be developed through perseverance and effort,it is when someone develop himself by his own by taking challenges, love learning and accept the tirsome criticism and put all the effort into one to achieve a goal.

fixed mindset: intelligence and talent are seen as fixed traits, suggesting that success comes from these inherent qualities alone, without the need for further development or effort.

The way of thinking between Growth and fixed mindsets:

the fixed mindset avoids the challenges when the growth mindset embrace any challenge.

when facing an obstacle , people with growth mindset will persists to keep going and solve it while fixed mindset people will lose focus.

The fixed mindset views the effort as afruitless work , in another hand , the growth mindset views the effort as a must to achieve goal “No pain ,No gain”.

Which aspects of my work am I most good at ? and how can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? this is the questions which growth mindset’s person will ask himelf when recieve criticism , where the fixed mindset’s person will ignore the criticism and view it as a burden

Examples of Growth midset thinking:

  1. if there is something I can’t do , That only means I can’t do it yet! like a sport or new skills
  2. I should not take the critisim as a personal attack and get offended from my co-workerrs or anyone, but I should separate the words from the intent and understand that it’s still not specifically about me and I should take advantage of it.
  3. I should always remember that it is not too late to learn something new or even make a big shift and take new challenges.

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