This Repo required for Asac labs class 2
This is a brief of JavaScrip by Manar Abdelkarim
for more detailed informations about JavaScript view JAVASCRIPT & JQUERY by GILLES RUPPERT & JACK MOORE.
A script is a series of instructions that a computer can follow to achieve a goal. Scripts are made up of instructions a computer can follow step-by-step.
To approach writing a script, break down your goal into a series of tasks and then work out each step needed to complete that task (a flowchart can help).
JavaScript JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. One of the things that makes it very uniqueis that it runs right in your browser while most programming languages for the web run on the server.
JavaScript allows you to make web pages more interactive by accessing and modifying the content, responding to what the user does, and markup used in a web page while it is being viewed in the browser.
Program rules or instructions the browser can follow
An expression evaluates into (results in) a single value. Broadly speaking there are two types of expressions.
Operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. In this tutorial