
This Repo required for Asac labs class 2

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Chapter 2: “List”

Types of Lists:

  1. Ordered Lists
    • represents an ordered list of items
    • typically rendered as a numbered list.
    • created by <ol>
    • every item inside it created by <li>

      <ol> here is an order list<li>first item</li><li>Second item</li><li>Third item</li></ol> 


    here is an order list
  1. first item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  1. Unordered Lists
  1. Definition Lists
    • element represents a description list
    • created by <dl>
    • the list items created by:

    • <dt> contain the term being defined

    • <dd> contain the definition.

       <dd>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales.</dd>

The Result:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales.

Nested Lists

putting a list inside a list


The Result:



Chapter 12 : “Box”

All HTML elements can be considered as boxes because html treats every element as if it has a box around it.

Box Dimensions(width, height) :

 <div style="width=20px;height:60px;background-color: tomato">
 <pstyle="width=10px;height:30px;background-color: #333">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur </p>

The Result:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur

Limiting Width(max-width,min-width)

The Result:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales. Maecenas posuere hendrerit auctor. Duis at vehicula purus, eu imperdiet mauris. Sed ullamcorper semper rutrum. Curabitur tempus viverra ligula ut porttitor. Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.


The overflow property tells the browser what to do if the content contained within a box is larger than the box itself

Overflowing Content(overflow)

The overflow property tells the browser what to do if the content contained within a box is larger than the box itself

**hidden: **

  <p style="height:80px; width:60%; overflow: hidden ;border:tomato       solid 2px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.       Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales. Maecenas posuere hendrerit auctor. Duis at vehicula purus, eu imperdiet mauris. Sed ullamcorper semper rutrum. Curabitur tempus viverra ligula ut porttitor. Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales. Maecenas posuere hendrerit auctor. Duis at vehicula purus, eu imperdiet mauris. Sed ullamcorper semper rutrum. Curabitur tempus viverra ligula ut porttitor. Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.


                     <p style="height:80px; width:60%; overflow: scroll;border:tomato                          solid 2px; ">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales. Maecenas posuere hendrerit auctor. Duis at vehicula purus, eu imperdiet mauris. Sed ullamcorper semper rutrum. Curabitur tempus viverra ligula ut porttitor. Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu                          risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a pharetra mauris. Curabitur imperdiet dignissim risus eu sodales. Maecenas posuere hendrerit auctor. Duis at vehicula purus, eu imperdiet mauris. Sed ullamcorper semper rutrum. Curabitur tempus viverra ligula ut porttitor. Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.

Border, Margin & Padding

Border, Margin & Padding

Border Width :

    <p style=" border:tomato solid ;border-width:1px 4px 12px 4px;">Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu                          risus a nulla        mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eu risus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.

Border Style

You can control the style of a border using the border-style


   <p style=" border:tomato ;border-width:1px 4px 12px 4px;border-left-style: solid;border-right-style: dotted;border-top-style: dashed;border-bottom-style: double;">Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi        eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.

Border Color

<p style=" border:solid;border-width: 4px;border-top-color:black;
border-left-color:red;">Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.

Shorthand for border styling (border)

 <p style=" border:red solid 4px;">Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae      faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat.      Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi      eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.</p>

The Result:

Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a. Morbi eurisus a nulla mattis tristique eget eu ipsum.

Centering Content

by making the left and right margin auto

Here is a box in the center

Change (Inline/Block)

using Display keyword

The Result:

The Result:

this paragraph is block

The Result:

this paragraph will not show

Hiding Boxes

using visibility:

  <div style="border:tomato solid 2px">
  <p style="visibility: hidden;">this paragraph is here with the width and height but will not
             show </p>
            </div> *The Result:*

this paragraph is here with the width and height but will not show

CSS3: Border Images

This property requires three pieces of information:

  1. The URL of the image
  2. Where to slice the image
  3. What to do with the straight edges

CSS3: Box Shadows

box-shadow: attaches one or more shadows to an element.

    <p style=" border: 1px solid;
    padding: 10px;
    box-shadow: 5px 10px #333;">Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien  porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat.Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a.</p>

Sed bibendum eros dui, vitae faucibus sapien porttitor sit amet. Vivamu lectus quis, dictum erat. Cras vehicula accumsan mauris, sed dapibus metus efficitur a.

types of shadow

CSS3: Rounded Corners

using border-radius:

<button style="background-color:lightgreen;border-radius:7px;"> my border are rounded</button>

The Result:

CSS3: Elliptical Shapes

 <button style="background-color:lightgreen;border-top-left-radius:
 80px 50px;border-bottom-right-radius:40px 30px "> my border are rounded with Elliptical Shapes </button>




Chapter 2: “Arrays”


what is an array ?

An array is a special type of variable. It doesn’t just store one value; it stores a list of values. you can use it on a list or a set of values that are related to each other.

How to create an (literal)Array?

var Array-Name = [value1,value2…valueN]

How to create an Array with n array constructor?

var Array-Name = new Array(value1 , value2,valueN);


The array literal is preferred over the array constructor when creating arrays.


Values in an array are accessed as if they are in a numbered list. It is important to know that the numbering of this list starts at zero (not one).


what is Switch statement?

Switch statements function somewhat similarly to the if statement. It gives a more descriptive way to compare a value with multiple variants.A switch statement starts with a variable called the switch value. Each case indicates a possible value for this variable and the code that should run if the variable matches that value.



JavaScript use weakly type which means if you use a data type JavaScript did not expect, it tries to make sense of the operation rather than report an error. Furthermore a strongly typed language requires an explicit conversion (by using the cast operator) between related types, when there is possibility of data loss, while a weakly typed one would carry out the conversion regardless.


what is loops?

loop is a programming structure that repeats a sequence of instructions until a specific condition is met. Loops check a condition. If it returns true, a code block will run. Then the condition will be checked again and if it still returns true, the code block will run again. It repeats until the condition returns false.

in below a flowchart of loop:

for loop

There are three common types of loops:

  1. For Loop: If you need to run code a specific number of times, use a . is the most common loop.) In a for loop, the condition is usually a counter which is used to tell how many times the loop should run.

  2. While Loop: If you do not know how many times the code should run, you can use a while loop. Here the condition can be something other than a counter, and the code will continue to loop for as long as the condition is true.

  3. do…while: loop is very similar to the while loop, but has one key difference: it will always run the statements inside the curly braces at least once, even if the condition evaluates to false.

            while ,do ,for