This Repo required for Asac labs class 2
Links are the defining feature of the web because they allow you to move from one web page to another — enabling the very idea of browsing or surfing
Links are created using the <a> element. Users can click on anything between the opening <a> tag and the closing </a> tag. You specify which page you want to link to using the href attribute. Writing Links
The <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another.<a>indicate the link’s destination. If the href attribute is present, pressing the enter key while focused on the <a> element will activate it.
absolute URL: When you link to a different website, the value of the href attribute will be the full web address for the site, which is known as an
relative URL: When you are linking to other pages within the same site, you do not need to specify the domain name in the URL.
The directory structure is the organization of files into a hierarchy of folders.Computers have used the folder metaphor for decades as a way to help users keep track of where something can be found.
The relationship between files and folders on a website is described using the same terminology as a family tree.The top-level folder is known as the root folder.
The main homepage of a site written in HTML (and the homepages of each section in a child folder) is called index.html.
Relative URLs can be used when linking to pages within your own website. They provide a shorthand way of telling the browser where to find your files.
<a> tag provides you option to specify an email address to send an email. While using <a> tag as an email tag, you will use mailto: email address along with href attribute.
Mailto link is a type of HTML link that activates the default mail client on the computer for sending an e-mail.
<a href = "mailto:">
Send Email</a>
The target attribute specifies a name or a keyword that indicates where to display the response that is received after submitting the form.
to link to a specific part in the same page you should use the id attribute og that part
ex <a id=”anchor-name”>Section name</h2>
As long as the page you are linking to has id attributes that identify specific parts of the page
ex <a href=” #anchor-name”>
Normal flow is how the browser lays out HTML pages by default when you do nothing to control page layout. Elements on webpages lay themselves out according to normal flow - until we do something to change that.
Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout method for laying out items in rows or columns. Items flex to fill additional space and shrink to fit into smaller spaces. This article explains all the fundamentals.
Flexbox is the short name for the Flexible Box Layout Module, it is a two-dimensional layout system for the web. #### how to use Flexbox?
To use flexbox, you apply display: flex to the parent element of the elements you want to lay out
<div style="display: flex;">
The Result:
#### What is Float ?
Floating an element changes the behavior of that element and the block level elements that follow it in normal flow. The element is moved to the left or right and removed from normal flow, and the surrounding content floats around the floated item.
The floated element becomes a block-level element around which other content can flow.
<div style="background-color:yellow; height:40px;">
<p style="background-color:red;float:left" >Float Left</p>
<p style="background-color:red;float:right" >Float right</p>
<p style="background-color:red;float:inherit;" > Float inherit</p>
The Result:
Float Left
Float right
Float inherit
Positioning allows you to move an element from where it would be placed when in normal flow to another location. Positioning isn’t a method for creating your main page layouts
Static positioning is the default that every element gets
Relative positioning allows you to modify an element’s position on the page,
<p style="position: relative;
background: rgba(255,84,104,.3);
border: 2px solid rgb(255,84,104);
top: 30px;
left: 30px;">hi</p>
<p>here another paragraph to see how it work <p>
here another paragraph to see how it work
Absolute positioning moves an element completely out of the page’s normal layout flow
<div style="width = 50% ;height: 40px;">
<p style="position: absolute;
background: rgba(255,84,104,.3);
border: 2px solid rgb(255,84,104);
top: 30px;
left: 30px;">hi there </p>
<p>here another paragraph to see how it work </p>
Fixed positioning is very similar to absolute positioning, except that it fixes an element relative to the browser viewport, not another element.
<div >
<p style="
background: rgba(255,84,104,.3);
border: 2px solid rgb(255,84,104);
top: 70px;
left: 10px;position: fixed; ">hi there </p>
<p>that sticky "hi there" is the result XD </p>
Different visitors to your site will have different sized screens that show different amounts of information, so your design needs to be able to work on a range of different sized screens.
Resolution refers to the number of dots a screen shows per inch. Some devices have a higher resolution than desktop computers and most operating systems allow users to adjust the resolution of their screens.
Before smartphones and tablets became popular, web designers created fixed width pages that worked on the most common screen sizes - but now because screen sizes and display resolutions vary so much
Functions let you group a series of statements together to perform a specific task. If different parts of a script repeat the same task, you can reuse the function (rather than rep eating the same set of statements). Functions consist of a series of statements that have been grouped together because they perform a specific task.
Method is the same as a function, except methods are created inside (and are part of) an object.
Objects are made up of properties and methods.
In order to call the function later in your code, you must give it a name, so these are known as named functions.
Parameters are variables listed as a part of the function definition when the function needs to be provided with information in order to achieve a given task.
Arguments are values passed to the function when it is invoked.
To give the function a name and then write the statement needed to achieve its task inside the curly braces.
Execute all of the statements between its curly braces with just one line of code. calling
Declaring Functions that need information: parameters
Expressions produce a value. They can be used where values are expected. If a function is placed where a browser expects to see an expression, (e.g., as an argument to a function), then it gets treated as an expression.
Pronounced “iffy,” these functions are not given a name. Instead, they are executed once as the interpreter comes across them.
Scope determines the accessibility (visibility) of these variables.The location where you declare a variable will affect where it can be used within your code. If you declare it within a function, it can only be used within that function.
LOCAL VARIABLES : When a variable is created inside a function using the var keyword, it can only be used in that function. It is called a local variable or function-level variable.
any variable that declared outside all functions or curly braces ({}) If you create a variable outside of a function, then it can be used anywhere within the script. It is called a global variable and has global scope.
Variables that are usable only in a specific part of your code are considered to be in a local scope. Global variables use more memory.
The browser has to remember them for as long as the web page using them is loaded. Local variables are only remembered during the period of time that a function is being executed. So that , if we need the variable temprorily for one function it is better to use local scope